Table of Contents
Spam is the scourge of the internet. Bandwidth is wasted in the transmission, CPU time is lost in processing, disk space is filled with storage, and time is consumed in reading, all because of spam. It's frustrating that the people on the net have to relay on large corporations to write pathetic filters or half baked protocols in a half hearted effort to give the people what they demand. Something more has to be done.
SpamDOS was created with the hope that people could come together and help design a self defending anti-spam system. A system that would discourage the sending of spam. The current idea for this system is for a program to download n number of lists containing known spammers and there web site urls. The first spammer who shows up on all lists will have there web page downloaded over and over until they drop off the net, no longer show up in all the lists, or a specific amount of time has passed. When this is done with thousands of clients at the same time, you have a DOS attack. It is not a goal of SpamDOS to break any existing laws or to otherwise cause trouble for the internet community. This project should strive to find a respected and responsible way to defend the net.
The SpamDOS project at this time does not wish to distribute any software (compiled binaries) and is instead only open to people who are developers or like minded. People who wish to help design a system that, if used in the main stream, would automatically defend the internet from spammers. The system SpamDOS wishes to describe will be "documented" in Java source code. The distinction is pro-haps a fine line but lawyers should understand that this project is only for the purpose of starting a dialog with the internet community on what would be needed to take a much harder stance against spam than is currently being considered by the corporate shills of the world.
Please download the code and give it a try (as an evaluation). Then, take some time and contribute some comments.
Comming soon, artwork which expresses our frustration with spam.
This is a very new project and there is more to come very soon. Many things are needed like a mascot and logos which I may not be able to provide. For the time beeing, logos will be filled with place holders.